Reflections on Learning: A More Objective Comparison between School Learning and Autodidactic Learning
This is an "alternative" and more objective analysis of the issues discussed in the article " More on the Ills of Academia and Excessive School Learning ." Everyone is affected to one degree or another by conditioning and habits. How you learn, how you solve problems/are trained to solve problems, the things you are taught, and the things that are implied—all affect what you believe, how you think, how you learn, and how you solve problems. There may be great variation in how it affects individuals, but to say one is impervious to environmental conditioning and the influences of habitual behaviors is tantamount to denying one’s humanity. One of the things that makes conditioning so potentially influential—and often pernicious--is how easy it is to accept a genuine fact and unconsciously extrapolate one or more misbeliefs in response, making it all too easy for educators to TEACH one thing and unintentionally CONDITION something else entirely. And it’s a scientific f...