
Showing posts from August, 2023

Complexity Theory and Extralogical Reasoning

Almost everything in this universe—from galaxies and clusters of galaxies to solar systems and planets, to climates and ecosystems to industries and economies—comes from things organizing themselves. They are SELF-organized. Most things can’t be understood by straightforwardly analyzing the parts/variables, like in math, physics, and engineering; only by accounting for unknowns and appreciating the complexity of the interactions BETWEEN variables can one hope to understand the rest of Nature. The former type of thinking is called reductive or reductionistic; extralogical reasoning calls the latter  scientific holistic thinking .   Complexity theory studies complex systems such as economies, ecosystems and their evolution, societies, and various related phenomena. If these phenomena are complex systems, then Nature and the World are, likewise, complex systems. The interactions between a psychology and the external World, in turn, make LIFE a complex system.    A compl...