Talk on Holism of Life
The following is based on a talk I gave on Tuesday September 17th ( Holistic thinking to life and beliefs ) Tonight’s talk is about the holism of life management. It’s holistic because it applies holistic thinking to all areas of life. More than anything else, however, it’s about the holistic management of beliefs . ( Tonight’s theme: avoiding wrong beliefs ). An increasingly important theme in my works is the idea that it’s at least wise to believe that ascertaining correct answers is harder and less necessary than most people think--but that wrong beliefs are more dangerous. I’ll explain why this is the case and why it’s not an entirely unnatural way of thinking. This is one of the major ways ER reengineers peoples thinking. I act on this through concerted efforts to minimize the number of premature and unnecessary beliefs I have, which I’ll elaborate on. The general message is not to not have or care about you...