
Showing posts from November, 2024

A Summary Intro to Extralogical Reasoning

The puzzle of life  ( POL ) is dynamic and can never truly be solved (the POL is from Bishko’s life engineering). A thinker contrives progressively better solutions as the puzzle continually changes. The external World is in a perpetual state of change, and improving one’s solutions results in additional changes. Extra logical reasoning (ER) is my solution to the POL. Since I posted my three-part intro (part 1 , part 2 , part 3 ) over eighteen months ago, ER has evolved along with its creator. That intro totals over thirty-six pages, and I felt a shorter and updated iteration, nine pages, was in order.      The POL is dynamic because life is a complex system: a system of numerous known, unknown, and unidentifiable variables undergoing complex interactions (l ink to complexity theory article ). Ecosystems, economies, and societies are other examples. It is not what I call a COMPLICATED system, like a sophisticated watch or automotive system, nor a chaotic system, a co...